This story was apart of the Danny Wilcox Frazier Workshop - “Americans We - All That Unites.” Danny came to Central Michigan University to put on a week long workshop for select photojournalism students. The goal of the workshop was to push us outside of our comfort zone and help us grow as photojournalists.
Below is an excerpt from the workshop:
“Americans We – All That Unites: The workshop will examine two communities that are seen as polar extremes socially and politicly. Media portrays the urban/rural divide as a window into the nation’s divisiveness. Economic inequality, guns, jobs, social issues, taxes and the environment – all hot button topics that send political commentators into a frenzy. We will take an up-close look at rural and urban populations in Michigan and see if commonalities outweigh differences.”
Kaden Keon a junior at Central Michigan University. He is also a kicker on the football team. Kaden has been shooting guns since the age of 10. He has been competing for 5-6 years. He is from St. Louis, Michigan where the population is 7,298.
Kaden is a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and believes that gun control will only increase gun violence because bad people will still be able to get guns and good people won’t be able to defend themselves.