The Seeburger’s farm is not like your typical farm. After turning off the dirt road in Shepherd, Michigan into their curvy dirt driveway two horses appear and behind their house is their cow pen and chicken coop. Their farm lies in their wooded backyard.

Monica and Chris Seeburger grew up in somewhat different lives. Monica grew up with the farm lifestyle and Chris’ family worked at Dow in Midland, Michigan. Monica has always been around horses. Her dad dealt with the cows and her mom dealt with the horses. She grew up doing equestrian and now her two daughters, Natalie and Hannah, compete.

“She knows horse like the back of her hand,” Chris said.

They are slowly in the process of moving to a different house also in Shepherd, Michigan that has a bigger barn and a pasture for the animals. There they will have three horses, two beef cows, one highland cow, chickens, and pigs along with two dogs and two cats. The family will be adding a horse, cow, and pigs.

Their children, Natalie (16), Hannah (13), and Logan (10) are the main caretakers for the animals with some help of the youngest Wyatt (6). They raise animals for 4H and show their animals at the county fair in the summer.

They usually do dairy cows, but decided to do beef cows this year. Natalie shows the cows. They will be getting pigs in May for Logan to show at the fair.

Chris is a big culinary guy and works for Unified Brands. He works from home, but does have to travel, so he is not always home. He wants to get a highland cow because their meat is better. Monica works at the communication office on Central Michigan University’s campus.